Nicolae Iorga, page 3

Nicolae Iorga, page 3

Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

What appears to be harmonious in its unity can only be the outcome of long and painful work.

What appears to be harmonious in its unity can only be the outcome of long and painful work.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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The best school is the one where you see by your side souls that are like brothers and sisters to you.

The best school is the one where you see by your side souls that are like brothers and sisters to you.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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May that the flowers of your life not bloom too soon, for the cold will get them, or too late, for their fruit will not ripen.

May that the flowers of your life not bloom too soon, for the cold will get them, or too late, for their fruit will not ripen.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Most of the devout carry with them a pocket God, which they dust off at regular intervals, called holy days.

Most of the devout carry with them a pocket God, which they dust off at regular intervals, called holy days.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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History mocks those who do not know it by repeating itself.

History mocks those who do not know it by repeating itself.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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The thing that concerns you the least is your own death.

The thing that concerns you the least is your own death.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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School must teach you to be your own master, both the best and the harshest.

School must teach you to be your own master, both the best and the harshest.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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A true fool is a very rare thing to come across; you recognize him by the fact that he is so sure of himself.

A true fool is a very rare thing to come across; you recognize him by the fact that he is so sure of himself.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Anyone who talks to souls has a responsibility for souls.

Anyone who talks to souls has a responsibility for souls.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Allow darkness to creep into people's souls and the ghosts will come and strangle you.

Allow darkness to creep into people's souls and the ghosts will come and strangle you.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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