Nicolae Iorga, page 4

Nicolae Iorga, page 4

Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

In the life of the heart, feelings are like the sun, memories like the bitter and cold moon, and caressing thoughts like the light of a dead lamp.

In the life of the heart, feelings are like the sun, memories like the bitter and cold moon, and caressing thoughts like the light of a dead lamp.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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When you are happy, every one of your traits shines like the beauty of nature in the sun.

When you are happy, every one of your traits shines like the beauty of nature in the sun.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Believe what you want; do what you can.

Believe what you want; do what you can.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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An affirmation can never feed itself only on negations.

An affirmation can never feed itself only on negations.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Never say: 'I know and I can,' without asking youself: 'Why do I know and why can I?'

Never say: 'I know and I can,' without asking youself: 'Why do I know and why can I?'

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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We shall be again what we once were, and even more than that.

We shall be again what we once were, and even more than that.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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The greatest shame is the one that no one sees: shame of oneself.

The greatest shame is the one that no one sees: shame of oneself.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Vultures have been seen starving, but none seeking food in the henhouse.

Vultures have been seen starving, but none seeking food in the henhouse.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Within great souls life beats like the waves upon the rocks, but most people only understand of them the sand that falls.

Within great souls life beats like the waves upon the rocks, but most people only understand of them the sand that falls.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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A democrat is someone who wants to lift the people up on his shoulders, not someone who wants to lift himself up on the people's shoulders.

A democrat is someone who wants to lift the people up on his shoulders, not someone who wants to lift himself up on the people's shoulders.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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