In English language

May that the flowers of your life not bloom too soon, for the cold will get them, or too late, for their fruit will not ripen.

May that the flowers of your life not bloom too soon, for the cold will get them, or too late, for their fruit will not ripen.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Să nu vie florile vieții tale nici prea curând, că le prinde frigul și nici prea târziu, căci nu li se vor coace roadele.

Nicolae Iorga

In German language

Die Blumen deines Lebens sollen nicht zu früh aufblühen, sonst tötet sie die Kälte, und auch nicht zu spät, sonst reift die Frucht nicht mehr.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Que les fleurs de ta vie n'arrivent ni trop tôt, car le froid les attrapera, ni plus tard, car leurs fruits ne mûriront pas.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Que no vengan las flores de tu vida demasiado pronto para que no les pille el frío, ni demasiado tarde para que puedan madurar.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Che i fiori della tua vita non fioriscano troppo presto, perché il freddo li appassirebbe, né troppo tardi perché I suoi frutti non maturerebbero.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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