Nicolae Iorga, page 42

Nicolae Iorga, page 42

Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

The worst kind of idleness is that which needs others' time as well.

The worst kind of idleness is that which needs others' time as well.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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The waves makes the river, says he who never saw the spring.

The waves makes the river, says he who never saw the spring.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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When you have your wagon loaded, that is when thieves rush upon you.

When you have your wagon loaded, that is when thieves rush upon you.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Only those who do not understand old age feel old.

Only those who do not understand old age feel old.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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You take to your grave the whole part of your life that you lived for yourself.

You take to your grave the whole part of your life that you lived for yourself.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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What is the point of rest before death, when there is so much of it waiting for us after?

What is the point of rest before death, when there is so much of it waiting for us after?

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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Your conscience is a good and constant friend: do not kill it, but let it die together with you.

Your conscience is a good and constant friend: do not kill it, but let it die together with you.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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You are a person for other people. And not to spare them the burden of taking care of you, but to accept the burden of taking care of them.

You are a person for other people. And not to spare them the burden of taking care of you, but to accept the burden of taking care of them.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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No honest man can ever defend himself as fiercely as the liar that has been caught.

No honest man can ever defend himself as fiercely as the liar that has been caught.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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If you see that the moon does not come down to you, do not look for a ladder for you to climb up to it.

If you see that the moon does not come down to you, do not look for a ladder for you to climb up to it.

Nicolae Iorga | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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