Ioan Slavici, page 2

Ioan Slavici, page 2

Romanian writer, journalist and pedagogue corespondent member of the Romanian Academy

One can give up one's rights, but not one's duties.

One can give up one's rights, but not one's duties.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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Man sees with his eyes, hears with his ears, considers, and sizes you up as you really are, no matter how much you strive to seem different.

Man sees with his eyes, hears with his ears, considers, and sizes you up as you really are, no matter how much you strive to seem different.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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Love is from another world and it appears out of the blue, without your knowing why, reveals itself, without your knowing how, and carries you off, without your knowing where.

Love is from another world and it appears out of the blue, without your knowing why, reveals itself, without your knowing how, and carries you off, without your knowing where.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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He who wants to leap over a hole should throw his bags over it first.

He who wants to leap over a hole should throw his bags over it first.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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Never lose sight of what and who you are and always do only what befits your personality.

Never lose sight of what and who you are and always do only what befits your personality.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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The proper purpose of school is not to provide learning, but, by cultivating the intellectual abilities in a child's heart, to awaken the need for lifelong learning.

The proper purpose of school is not to provide learning, but, by cultivating the intellectual abilities in a child's heart, to awaken the need for lifelong learning.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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God, however, does not stop at a man's words, but sees his hidden thoughts.

God, however, does not stop at a man's words, but sees his hidden thoughts.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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Holy Scripture teaches us that just as the ploughman lives from the fruit of his labour, so the shepherd of souls, who serves the altar, should live by his service, by the altar.

Holy Scripture teaches us that just as the ploughman lives from the fruit of his labour, so the shepherd of souls, who serves the altar, should live by his service, by the altar.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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No matter how old a woman may be, it gladdens her heart when you think she is still young, and the wickedest man softens a little bit too when others think him good.

No matter how old a woman may be, it gladdens her heart when you think she is still young, and the wickedest man softens a little bit too when others think him good.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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You are happy when you have peace in your humble abode.

You are happy when you have peace in your humble abode.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 18 January 1848
  • Date of death: 17 August 1925

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