No matter how old a woman may be, it gladdens her heart when you think...

In English language

No matter how old a woman may be, it gladdens her heart when you think she is still young, and the wickedest man softens a little bit too when others think him good.

No matter how old a woman may be, it gladdens her heart when you think she is still young, and the wickedest man softens a little bit too when others think him good.

Ioan Slavici, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Orișicât de bătrână ar fi baba, i se-nveselește inima când o crezi încă tânără, și cel mai rău om se moaie și el nițel când alții îl cred bun.

Ioan Slavici

In German language

Wie alt die Frau auch sein mag, es heitert sie auf, wenn man sie als jung ansieht, und der schlechteste Mensch wird etwas weicher, wenn Andere ihn für gut halten.

Ioan Slavici, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Aussi vieille que serait la femme âgée, elle a le cœur gai lorsque vous la considérez encore jeune, et l'homme le plus méchant s'adoucit un peu lorsque les autres le considèrent bon.

Ioan Slavici, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Por muy mayor que sea la abuela, se le alegra el corazón si crees que todavía es joven, al igual que la peor persona se ablanda un poco cuando otros la consideran buena.

Ioan Slavici, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Non importa quando anziana una donna possa essere, allieta il suo cuore pensare che sia ancora giovane, e anche l'uomo più malvagio si intenerisce un po' quando gli altri pensano che sia buono.

Ioan Slavici, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian writer, journalist and pedagogue corespondent member of the Romanian Academy

  • Date of birth: 18 January 1848
  • Date of death: 17 August 1925

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