Carmen Sylva

Carmen Sylva

poet and writer, founder of charitable institutions and first queen on Romania

There is a goodness that repels and a badness that attracts.

There is a goodness that repels and a badness that attracts.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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The goodness of youth is angelic; that of old age godlike.

The goodness of youth is angelic; that of old age godlike.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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If we are truly made in the image and likeness of God, then we must be creators.

If we are truly made in the image and likeness of God, then we must be creators.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Flatterers always start by saying that they don't know how to flatter.

Flatterers always start by saying that they don't know how to flatter.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Joy is life seen through a ray of sun.

Joy is life seen through a ray of sun.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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The jealousy of the fiancé is a homage, that of the husband an offence.

The jealousy of the fiancé is a homage, that of the husband an offence.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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God forgives. Nature never.

God forgives. Nature never.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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A single pillar God granted to his creation: love.

A single pillar God granted to his creation: love.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Fire makes water boil, but water puts out fire. Do not warm up an ungrateful person or they will soon put you out.

Fire makes water boil, but water puts out fire. Do not warm up an ungrateful person or they will soon put you out.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

Creative Commons License
A young girl is a green wheat field covered in snow.

A young girl is a green wheat field covered in snow.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Elisabeth Pauline Ottilie Luise zu Wied, Regina Elisabeta a României

  • Date of birth: 29 December 1843
  • Date of death: 18 February 1916

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