Octavian Goga

Octavian Goga

Romanian poet, gazetteer and politician, member of the Romanian Academy, first minister of Romania

There is no burden harder to bear than an unconfessed happiness.

There is no burden harder to bear than an unconfessed happiness.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Daytime is for the merchant, nighttime for the poet.

Daytime is for the merchant, nighttime for the poet.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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That's how dreams die, one at a time… While we smile and look ahead… And no one knows that we come from the funeral.

That's how dreams die, one at a time… While we smile and look ahead… And no one knows that we come from the funeral.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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The past is night, and memories are candles that in time go out.

The past is night, and memories are candles that in time go out.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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An old love is like a volcano: one can never say that the danger of its erupting again has passed.

An old love is like a volcano: one can never say that the danger of its erupting again has passed.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Art is an impeccable confessor.

Art is an impeccable confessor.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Only vulgar souls mock their past loves. People of sense plant flowers on their graves.

Only vulgar souls mock their past loves. People of sense plant flowers on their graves.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Beware of banality. Don't forget, if you must drown, at least don't drown in a basin – fling yourself into the ocean.

Beware of banality. Don't forget, if you must drown, at least don't drown in a basin – fling yourself into the ocean.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Love is a professional necessity for an artist.

Love is a professional necessity for an artist.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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Our soul is an urn in which we collect the ashes of burned out passions.

Our soul is an urn in which we collect the ashes of burned out passions.

Octavian Goga | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 1 April 1881
  • Date of death: 7 May 1938

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