Carmen Sylva, page 2

Carmen Sylva, page 2

poet and writer, founder of charitable institutions and first queen on Romania

Noisy wrath infuriates; silent wrath terrifies.

Noisy wrath infuriates; silent wrath terrifies.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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The Genius, as generous as the Sun, lends his light to others.

The Genius, as generous as the Sun, lends his light to others.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

Creative Commons License
There is only one happiness: duty.

There is only one happiness: duty.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Seek to be a precious stone, set in a ring by the hand of a master.

Seek to be a precious stone, set in a ring by the hand of a master.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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The multitude is like a sea: it either lifts you up or it swallows you – depending how the wind blows.

The multitude is like a sea: it either lifts you up or it swallows you – depending how the wind blows.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Love see no flaws; friendship cherishes them.

Love see no flaws; friendship cherishes them.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Love is like a squirrel: bold and shy at the same time.

Love is like a squirrel: bold and shy at the same time.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Being happy means seeing life through a ray of sun.

Being happy means seeing life through a ray of sun.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Serenity is an offering to God.

Serenity is an offering to God.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

Creative Commons License
Experience is an elderly woman whom we venerate without wondering about her past.

Experience is an elderly woman whom we venerate without wondering about her past.

Carmen Sylva | Translations

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Elisabeth Pauline Ottilie Luise zu Wied, Regina Elisabeta a României

  • Date of birth: 29 December 1843
  • Date of death: 18 February 1916

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