Liviu Rebreanu, page 3

Liviu Rebreanu, page 3

Romanian novelist, playwright and theater cronicar, president of the Romanian Writers' Society, member of the Romanian Academy

Even if God is good and forgives you, the sin stays and weighs on you, weighs on you and refuses to forgive you!

Even if God is good and forgives you, the sin stays and weighs on you, weighs on you and refuses to forgive you!

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Love and God, consciously or unconsciously, must be the main preoccupation of the human soul. Without them, man himself could not exist!

Love and God, consciously or unconsciously, must be the main preoccupation of the human soul. Without them, man himself could not exist!

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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One of the stages of happiness must be the absence of thoughts.

One of the stages of happiness must be the absence of thoughts.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Men grow old, but never grow wise.

Men grow old, but never grow wise.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Until you give yourself, you have no right to say you have known love.

Until you give yourself, you have no right to say you have known love.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Modesty is not a lack of interest, but an attitude.

Modesty is not a lack of interest, but an attitude.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Lovers feel the need to trumpet their love a little, but a love that is trumpeted too much is of poor quality and cannot be long-lasting.

Lovers feel the need to trumpet their love a little, but a love that is trumpeted too much is of poor quality and cannot be long-lasting.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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It is precisely in the hardest moments that man is destined to remain alone.

It is precisely in the hardest moments that man is destined to remain alone.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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When you are thirsty, happiness is a glass of water.

When you are thirsty, happiness is a glass of water.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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Certainty is relative, especially in love. Only experience will make it clearer.

Certainty is relative, especially in love. Only experience will make it clearer.

Liviu Rebreanu | Translations

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  • Date of birth: 27 November 1885
  • Date of death: 1 September 1944

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