Ion Luca Caragiale, page 2

Ion Luca Caragiale, page 2

Romanian playwright, short story writer, pamphleteer, poet, writer, theatre director, political commentator and journalist

For the soul that is easily shaken, the threat is harder than the blow itself.

For the soul that is easily shaken, the threat is harder than the blow itself.

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License
You have a head; what need have you of a mind?

You have a head; what need have you of a mind?

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License
An amateur works out of moral pleasure and what he produces always gives him pleasure; the artist works out of intellectual need and is very rarely pleased with what he does…

An amateur works out of moral pleasure and what he produces always gives him pleasure; the artist works out of intellectual need and is very rarely pleased with what he does…

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License
Luck is too scarce and people too many.

Luck is too scarce and people too many.

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

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Honour and grammar: these are the first conditions of a good press.

Honour and grammar: these are the first conditions of a good press.

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License
Call them people and leave them alone!

Call them people and leave them alone!

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License
I always carry three things on me: a watch – so that I can know how time goes; the railway timetable – so that I can know how the trains go; and the Bible – so that I can know how life goes.

I always carry three things on me: a watch – so that I can know how time goes; the railway timetable – so that I can know how the trains go; and the Bible – so that I can know how life goes.

Ion Luca Caragiale | Translations

Creative Commons License

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  • Date of birth: 30 January 1852
  • Date of death: 9 June 1912

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