Mihai Eminescu, page 4

Mihai Eminescu, page 4

Romanian poet, journalist, prose writer and translator, considered to be the national poet of Romania

The labour of a man can be paid for, but his character and his education never.

The labour of a man can be paid for, but his character and his education never.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Misfortune is the best teacher; it has its own methods, but it never fails.

Misfortune is the best teacher; it has its own methods, but it never fails.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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All things have their limits, but not pain…

All things have their limits, but not pain…

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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The desires and the aspirations of every individual are limitless, so much so that the main purpose of his life, of his heart, is not the achievement of a desire, but the desire and the will as such.

The desires and the aspirations of every individual are limitless, so much so that the main purpose of his life, of his heart, is not the achievement of a desire, but the desire and the will as such.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Language is the measure of a people's civilization.

Language is the measure of a people's civilization.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Pressure abases; passion uplifts.

Pressure abases; passion uplifts.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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There are no people harder or more merciless than those totally preoccupied by their own misery.

There are no people harder or more merciless than those totally preoccupied by their own misery.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Argue with yourself and you will find peace.

Argue with yourself and you will find peace.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Opportunity is quick to flee away and slow to return.

Opportunity is quick to flee away and slow to return.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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God is not in heaven, nor is He on Earth; God is within our hearts.

God is not in heaven, nor is He on Earth; God is within our hearts.

Mihai Eminescu | Translations

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Mihail Eminovici

  • Date of birth: 15 January 1850
  • Date of death: 15 June 1889

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