In English language

The only certainty: the poem. The only Eucharist: the poem. Take, eat; this is our body and our blood: the poem.

The only certainty: the poem. The only Eucharist: the poem. Take, eat; this is our body and our blood: the poem.

Ilarie Voronca, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Singura certitudine: poemul. Singura cuminecătură: poemul. Luați, mâncați, acesta este trupul și sângele nostru: poemul.

Ilarie Voronca

In German language

Die einzige Gewissheit: das Poem. Die einzige Eucharistie: das Poem. Nehmet und esset, dies ist unser Leib und Blut: das Poem.

Ilarie Voronca, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

La seule certitude: le poème. La seule communion: le poème. Prenez et mangez, ceci est notre chair et notre sang: le poème.

Ilarie Voronca, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

La única seguridad, la poesía. La única comunión, la poesía !Comed y bebed! Este es nuestro cuerpo y nuestra sangre, la poesía.

Ilarie Voronca, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

L'unica certezza: la poesia. L'unica Eucarestia: la poesia. Prendetene e mangiatene tutti, questo è il nostro corpo e il nostro sangue: la poesia.

Ilarie Voronca, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian Jew poet, considered to be an avant-gardist of poetry

  • Date of birth: 31 December 1903
  • Date of death: 8 April 1946

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