In English language

A righteous and pure soul can cross any swamp without befouling itself; for hundreds of times it will have the delicious cup of vices before its eyes without tasting from it.

A righteous and pure soul can cross any swamp without befouling itself; for hundreds of times it will have the delicious cup of vices before its eyes without tasting from it.

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Un suflet drept si pur poate traversa toate mlaștinile fără a se murdări; va avea de sute de ori în fata ochilor cupa delicioasă a viciului fără a gusta din ea.

Iulia Hasdeu

In German language

Eine aufrechte und reine Seele kann alle Sümpfe durchwaten, ohne sich zu beschmutzen; kann hunderte Male den süßen Kelch des Lasters vor Augen haben, ohne daraus zu trinken.

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Une âme pure et honnête peut traverser tous les marais sans se souiller; elle aura cent fois devant les yeux la coupe délicieuse du vice sans la goûter.

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Un alma recta y pura puede atravesar todos los pantanos sin ensuciarse; va a tener cientos de veces ante sus ojos la deliciosa copa del vicio sin probarla.

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Un'anima onesta e pura può attraversare tutte le paludi senza sporcarsi; centinaia di volte davanti ai suoi occhi si ritroverà la deliziosa coppa del vizio senza assaggiarne il sapore.

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian exceptionally gifted intellectual woman, poet and prose writer

  • Date of birth: 14 November 1869
  • Date of death: 29 September 1888

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