In English language

A people's language is both the expression and the means of its way of thinking.

A people's language is both the expression and the means of its way of thinking.

A.D. Xenopol, translated by Andreea Florescu

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The original in Romanian language

Limba unui popor este expresiunea și totodată instrumentul gândirii sale.

A.D. Xenopol

In German language

Die Sprache eines Volkes ist das Ausdrucksmittel und zugleich das Instrument seines Denkens.

A.D. Xenopol, translated by Monica Stinghe

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In French language

La langue d'un peuple est à la fois l'expression et son outil de pensée.

A.D. Xenopol, translated by Alex Bodoli

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In Spanish language

La lengua de un pueblo es a la vez la expresión y la herramienta de su pensamiento.

A.D. Xenopol, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

La lingua di una nazione è l'espressione e allo stesso tempo lo strumento del suo pensiero.

A.D. Xenopol, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian historian, philosopher, sociologist, economist, writer and professor, member of the Romanian Academy

  • Date of birth: 24 March 1847
  • Date of death: 27 February 1920

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