In English language

Honour and grammar: these are the first conditions of a good press.

Honour and grammar: these are the first conditions of a good press.

Ion Luca Caragiale, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Cinste și gramatică, acestea sunt cele dintâi condiții ale unei prese bune.

Ion Luca Caragiale

In German language

Aufrichtigkeit und Grammatik, das sind die wichtigsten Voraussetzungen für eine gute Presse.

Ion Luca Caragiale, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

L'honnêteté et la grammaire, ce sont les premières conditions d'une bonne presse.

Ion Luca Caragiale, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Honestidad y gramática son las dos primeras condiciones para una prensa buena.

Ion Luca Caragiale, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

L'onestà e la grammatica, ecco le prime condizioni di una buona stampa.

Ion Luca Caragiale, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian playwright, short story writer, pamphleteer, poet, writer, theatre director, political commentator and journalist

  • Date of birth: 30 January 1852
  • Date of death: 9 June 1912

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