The official school is starting to admit that all the doctorates in science and all...

In English language

The official school is starting to admit that all the doctorates in science and all the degrees in arts in the world are not enough to make a creator of new spiritual values out of a monkey with a gift for imitation.

The official school is starting to admit that all the doctorates in science and all the degrees in arts in the world are not enough to make a creator of new spiritual values out of a monkey with a gift for imitation.

Vasile Pârvan, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Școala oficială începe să recunoască că toate doctoratele de știință și diplomele de artă ale lumii nu pot face dintr-o maimuță cu dar suficient de imitație un creator de valori noi spirituale.

Vasile Pârvan

In German language

Im öffentlichen Schulwesen beginnt die Einsicht zu wachsen, dass kein Doktortitel und kein Kunstdiplom der Welt aus einem Affen mit Talent zur Imitation einen Schöpfer geistlicher Werte machen kann.

Vasile Pârvan, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

L'école officielle commence à reconnaître que tous les doctorats en sciences et les baccalauréats en arts du monde ne peuvent pas faire d'un singe avec assez d'imitation, mais plutôt un créateur spirituel de nouvelles valeurs.

Vasile Pârvan, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

La escuela oficial empieza a reconocer que todos los doctorados científicos y diplomas artísticos no pueden trasformar a un mono con el don de la imitación en un creador de valor.

Vasile Pârvan, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

La scuola inizia ad ammettere che tutte le tesi scientifiche e i diplomi d'arte del mondo non possono fare di una scimmia con sufficiente capacità d’imitazione un creatore di nuovi valori.

Vasile Pârvan, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian historian, archeologist and essayist, member of the Romanian Academy

  • Date of birth: 28 September 1882
  • Date of death: 26 June 1927

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