In English language
A person or a thing must be judged as a whole and valued in their totality.
Paul Zarifopol, translated by Andreea Florescu
The original in Romanian language
In German language
Ein Mensch oder eine Sache müssen einheitlich beurteilt und in ihrer Ganzheit bewertet werden.
Paul Zarifopol, translated by Monica Stinghe
In French language
Un homme ou une chose doit être jugé de manière unitaire et valorisé dans sa totalité.
Paul Zarifopol, translated by Alex Bodoli
In Spanish language
Tanto una persona como una cosa han de ser juzgados unitariamente y valorados en su totalidad.
Paul Zarifopol, translated by Monica Fernandez
In Italian language
Si dovrebbe giudicare e valutare un uomo o una cosa nella sua totalità.
Paul Zarifopol, translated by Eliza Biță