Ioan Slavici, page 3

Ioan Slavici, page 3

Romanian writer, journalist and pedagogue corespondent member of the Romanian Academy

Better once and from the bottom of your heart than many times and to no purpose.

Better once and from the bottom of your heart than many times and to no purpose.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

Creative Commons License
No greater injustice can be done to a person than to scold them for a mistake for which they have already scolded themselves enough.

No greater injustice can be done to a person than to scold them for a mistake for which they have already scolded themselves enough.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

Creative Commons License
With more or with less, things get done, if only we know how to do them.

With more or with less, things get done, if only we know how to do them.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

Creative Commons License
Need is the best teacher.

Need is the best teacher.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

Creative Commons License
Never put out the light when there is grievance in the home; you must first put out the grievance, and only then the light.

Never put out the light when there is grievance in the home; you must first put out the grievance, and only then the light.

Ioan Slavici | Translations

Creative Commons License

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  • Date of birth: 18 January 1848
  • Date of death: 17 August 1925

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