In English language

Ask yourself what you have done wrong on the day you see that you no longer have enemies.

Ask yourself what you have done wrong on the day you see that you no longer have enemies.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Să te întrebi ce ai greșit în ziua când vei vedea că nu mai ai dușmani.

Nicolae Iorga

In German language

Am Tag, an dem du keine Feinde mehr hast, solltest du dich fragen, wo dein Fehler liegt.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Demandez-vous ce que vous avez fait de mal le jour où vous verrez que vous n'avez pas d'ennemis.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Pregúntate en qué te has equivocado el día que veas que ya no tienes enemigos

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Chiediti, dove hai sbagliato il giorno in cui vedrai che non hai più nemici.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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