In English language

Can poetry grow old?! For thousands of years the lark has sung the same song at sunrise and people have never grown tired of listening to it!

Can poetry grow old?! For thousands of years the lark has sung the same song at sunrise and people have never grown tired of listening to it!

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Poezia să îmbătrânească?! De mii de ani cântă ciocârlia același cântec la răsăritul soarelui, și lumea nu se satură să-l asculte!

Nicolae Iorga

In German language

Die Poesie könne veralten? Seit Jahrtausenden singt die Lerche dasselbe Lied beim Sonnenaufgang, und die Welt hört sich niemals satt daran!

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

A la poésie de vieillir? Depuis des milliers d'années, l'alouette chante la même chanson au lever du soleil, et le monde ne cesse pas de l'écouter!

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

¿La poesía envejece? Desde hace miles de años la alondra canta el mismo canto al amanecer y el mundo no se harta de escucharla.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Invecchiare? La poesia?! Da sempre l’allodola cinguetta la stessa musica al sorgere del sole e l’umanità non si stanca mai di ascoltarla.

Nicolae Iorga, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian historian, documentarian, literary critic, playwright, poet, enciclopedist, memorialist, universitary professor, politician, member of the Romanian Academy, president of the Council of Ministers and of the Romanian Senat

  • Date of birth: 17 January 1871
  • Date of death: 27 November 1940

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