In English language
Every once in a while, pay a visit to your neighbour to find about your flaws.
Nicolae Iorga, translated by Andreea Florescu
The original in Romanian language
In German language
Besuche von Zeit zu Zeit deinen Nachbarn, um deine Fehler zu erkennen.
Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Stinghe
In French language
De temps en temps vous visitez votre voisin pour découvrir vos défauts.
Nicolae Iorga, translated by Alex Bodoli
In Spanish language
De vez en cuando pasa por la casa del vecino para que encuentre tus defectos.
Nicolae Iorga, translated by Monica Fernandez
In Italian language
Di tanto in tanto visita il tuo vicino per scoprire i tuoi difetti.
Nicolae Iorga, translated by Eliza Biță