In English language

It is feeling that gives colour, not the brush. You can colour with a piece of coal, but all the tubes in the world will not give you the blue of a flax flower if you do not hold it in your heart.

It is feeling that gives colour, not the brush. You can colour with a piece of coal, but all the tubes in the world will not give you the blue of a flax flower if you do not hold it in your heart.

Nicolae Grigorescu, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Sentimentul colorează, nu pensula. Poți colora c-o bucățică de cărbune, și toate tuburile din lume nu-ți dau albastrul unei flori de inișor dacă nu-l ai în suflet.

Nicolae Grigorescu

In German language

Es ist das Gefühl, das Farbe bringt, nicht der Pinsel. Auch in einer Zeichnung mit Kohle ist das blaue Vergissmeinnicht zu erkennen, wenn man es in der Seele hat; ansonsten reichen auch alle Farbtuben der Welt nicht aus.

Nicolae Grigorescu, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Le sentiment donne la couleur, non le pinceau. On peut colorer avec un morceau de charbon, et tous les tubes du monde ne pourront pas donner le bleu des fleurs de lin, sauf si vous l'avez dans l'âme.

Nicolae Grigorescu, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

El sentimiento da color, no el pincel. Puedes colorear con un trozo de carbón y ningún tubo de pintura del mundo conseguirá el azul de una flor de lino si no lo llevas en el alma.

Nicolae Grigorescu, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

É il sentimento che dà colore, non il pennello. Puoi colorare con un pezzo di carbone, ma tutte le tube del mondo non ti daranno mai l'azzurro di un fiore di lino se non ce l'hai nel tuo cuore.

Nicolae Grigorescu, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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first of the founders of the Romanian modern painting

  • Date of birth: 15 May 1838
  • Date of death: 21 July 1907

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