In English language
The evolution of the human spirit is the history of the rhythm of creative life.
Vasile Pârvan, translated by Andreea Florescu
The original in Romanian language
In German language
Die Evolution des menschlichen Geistes ist die Geschichte des Rhythmus des schöpferischen Lebens.
Vasile Pârvan, translated by Monica Stinghe
In French language
L'évolution de l'esprit humain est l'histoire du rythme de la vie créatrice.
Vasile Pârvan, translated by Alex Bodoli
In Spanish language
La evolución del espíritu humano es la historia del ritmo creador de la vida.
Vasile Pârvan, translated by Monica Fernandez
In Italian language
L’evoluzione dello spirito umano è la storia del ritmo della vita creativa.
Vasile Pârvan, translated by Eliza Biță