In English language
Would the mountain stream still be so clear and lively if it were not cold?
Titu Maiorescu, translated by Andreea Florescu
The original in Romanian language
In German language
Könnte die Bergquelle auch so klar und munter sein, wenn sie nicht auch kalt wär?
Titu Maiorescu, translated by Monica Stinghe
In French language
Le ruisseau de la montagne, serait-il si clair et si agréable si l'eau n'était pas froide?
Titu Maiorescu, translated by Alex Bodoli
In Spanish language
¿Acaso el arroyo del monte tendría el agua tan clara y viva si no estuviera fría?
Titu Maiorescu, translated by Monica Fernandez
In Italian language
Il torrente della montagna sarebbe così chiaro e allegro se non fosse freddo?
Titu Maiorescu, translated by Eliza Biță