In English language

Just as we see the bees flying freely onto everything that grows and taking from all that is of use, this whole most beautiful world is full of milk and honey, of nectar and ambrosia.

Just as we see the bees flying freely onto everything that grows and taking from all that is of use, this whole most beautiful world is full of milk and honey, of nectar and ambrosia.

Dimitrie Țichindeal, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Precum vedem albinele spre toate cele ce răsar slobozindu-se și din toate cele de treabă luând, toată această preafrumoasă lume e plină de miere și de lapte, de nectar și de ambrozie.

Dimitrie Țichindeal

In German language

Denn wie unser Auge die Bienen sieht, wie sie zu allem, was blüht, hinfliegen und sich von allem nehmen, was sie brauchen, so ist auch diese so schöne Welt voller Honig und Milch, Nektar und Ambrosia.

Dimitrie Ţichindeal, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Tout comme nous voyons les abeilles se jetant vers tout ce qui pousse pour faire leur travail, de même ce beau monde est plein de miel et de lait, de nectar et d'ambroisie.

Dimitrie Țichindeal, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Vemos a las abejas lanzándose contra todo lo que florece, recogiendo todo lo que es bueno, porque este hermoso mundo está lleno de miel, leche, néctar y ambrosía.

Dimitrie Țichindeal, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Proprio come vediamo le api volare liberamente su tutto ciò che cresce e farne uso, allo stesso modo questo modo bellissimo è fatto di latte e miele, nettare e ambrosia.

Dimitrie Țichindeal, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian translator, fabulist, scholar and priest

  • Date of birth: 1775
  • Date of death: 20 January 1818

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