In English language

Old people always praise the time when they were young, the past; why, then, do they wonder that young people praise the present?

Old people always praise the time when they were young, the past; why, then, do they wonder that young people praise the present?

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Andreea Florescu

Creative Commons License

The original in Romanian language

Bătrânii laudă totdeauna timpul când erau tineri, trecutul; atunci de ce se miră ei că tinerii laudă prezentul?

Iulia Hasdeu

In German language

Die Alten loben stets die Zeiten ihrer Jugend, die Vergangenheit; wieso wundern sie sich dann, dass die Jungen die Gegenwart loben?

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Monica Stinghe

Creative Commons License

In French language

Les personnes âgées vantent toujours le temps de leur jeunesse, le passé; pourquoi sont-elles surprises que les jeunes vantent le présent?

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Alex Bodoli

Creative Commons License

In Spanish language

Los ancianos alaban constantemente los tiempos de su juventud, el pasado; entonces, ¿por qué se sorprenden de que los jóvenes alaben el presente?

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Monica Fernandez

Creative Commons License

In Italian language

Gli anziani lodano sempre il periodo della loro gioventù, il passato; perché sono sorpresi che i giovani lodino il presente?

Iulia Hasdeu, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian exceptionally gifted intellectual woman, poet and prose writer

  • Date of birth: 14 November 1869
  • Date of death: 29 September 1888

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