In English language

Only in the face of death does man understand the value of life and only danger tempers his soul.

Only in the face of death does man understand the value of life and only danger tempers his soul.

Liviu Rebreanu, translated by Andreea Florescu

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The original in Romanian language

Numai în fața morții omul pricepe prețul vieții și numai primejdia îi oțelește sufletul.

Liviu Rebreanu

In German language

Erst im Angesicht des Todes begreift der Mensch den Wert des Lebens, und nur die Gefahr stärkt sein Gemüt.

Liviu Rebreanu, translated by Monica Stinghe

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In French language

Seulement face à la mort, l'homme comprend le prix de la vie, et seul le danger endurcit son âme.

Liviu Rebreanu, translated by Alex Bodoli

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In Spanish language

Solo frente a la muerte el hombre entiende el valor de la vida, y solo el peligro fortalece su alma.

Liviu Rebreanu, translated by Monica Fernandez

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In Italian language

Solo davanti alla morte l'uomo conosce il prezzo della vita, ed il pericolo tempra la sua anima.

Liviu Rebreanu, translated by Eliza Biță

Creative Commons License

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Romanian novelist, playwright and theater cronicar, president of the Romanian Writers' Society, member of the Romanian Academy

  • Date of birth: 27 November 1885
  • Date of death: 1 September 1944

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